Our Programs
USDA Prime

The best grade given by the USDA, represents the highest degree of marbling for tenderness and juiciness.

Premium Choice

The upper 2 of 3 tiers of the USDA Choice grades with a marbling score of Modest 00 or higher, just slightly below USDA Prime.

USDA Choice

Choice grade is a USDA standard of high quality beef, commonly tender with a juicy and flavorful taste. The most familiar quality grade by the USDA.

USDA Select

This grade is a leaner grade, slightly less marbling than the lowest tier of USDA Choice.

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High Quality Feed

Cows are fed a high-energy corn-based ration for at least 90 days.

Consistent Flavor

For a better tasting experience.

Nothing You Don't Need

No Dark Cutters or Yellow Fat. No Beta-Agonists.

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High Quality Feed

Cows are fed a high-energy corn-based ration for at least 90 days.

Consistent Flavor

For a better tasting experience.

Nothing You Don't Need

No Dark Cutters or Yellow Fat. No Beta-Agonists.

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Premium Selection

USDA Prime + High Choice

Breed Specific

Angus & Non-Breed Specific

Made To Order

When you need it, we’ll make it.

Priority Customer Service

Access to priority customer service to answer any and all questions.

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The Best Partner You’ll Ever Have

You’ve Got Our Word On That

We’re rooted in DemKota Country, its community, traditions, and attitudes. We’re ranchers and beef lovers. And we’re people of our word.
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